汉语学习中,一个让学生头疼的问题就是词的发音变调,比如“一”、“不” 因搭配不同而会发生变调。遇到这些变调的词,该选择词的原声调、还是变调后的声调进行标注呢?
Boring Bangongshi - S04E12
The emphasis on Christmas Eve has been so strong that some Chinese people didn’t even realize that Christmas is actually December 25th rather than December 24th.
Boring Bangongshi - S04E11
It’s interesting seeing to what lengths some offices in China are willing to go for holiday cheer. Some Chinese companies really do go all out!
Boring Bangongshi - S04E10
Navigating the relative importance of foreign holidays and how exactly how to recognize them can be a little tricky in Chinese office contexts.
Boring Bangongshi - S04E09
Sometimes the boss calls you over, and when that happens, it can’t be something good, right? Right??
Boring Bangongshi - S04E08
With regards to China, “Big Brother” is often a topic of discussion in the west. But don’t forget about good old-fashioned sharp ears in the workplace!
Boring Bangongshi - S04E07
Working overtime in China is a tricky thing… sometimes expected, sometimes not. Sometimes mandatory, sometimes not. And apparently, sometimes fakes, sometimes not!
Boring Bangongshi - S04E06
The subject of little white lies continues. But who can tell when Chinese co-workers aren’t really being sincere?
Boring Bangongshi - S04E05
Ah, little lies told to the boss about reasons for being late… Don’t be shocked that this happens in Chinese offices too.
Boring Bangongshi - S04E04
So “Whats-his name,” the intern, is now the manager. But it might not be so easy to drop the old habits and establish new ones, which can be AWKward…
Boring Bangongshi - S04E03
Ah, the infamous intercultural misunderstanding… You might be surprised at how little many Chinese know about American Thanksgiving (and how this actually can impact business!).
Boring Bangongshi - S04E02
So the intern is now a manager… but without a whole lot of (non-coffee-pouring) work experience, it would seem that he still has a bit to learn about human nature.
Boring Bangongshi - S04E01
If you followed our story through Season 3, the intern, “Whats-his name,” has inexplicably been promoted directly to a manager position. And yes… hijinks ensue.
Boring Bangongshi - S03E20
Shocking revelations of the intern kind! We hope we didn’t upset you too much. See how this all turns out in Season 4, coming soon…
Boring Bangongshi - S03E19
All internships must come to an end… but how will this one end? (Hopefully not before you’ve mastered the word 实习!) Stay tuned…
Boring Bangongshi - S03E18
Pay attention… the intrigue we’ve begun this week will carry over into next week and even Season 4!