Boring Bangongshi - S02E09

Boring Bangongshi - S02E09.png

Comic Transcript







(Use a browser extension if you need pinyin.)

Relevant Grammar Points

  1. Result complement

Editor Comments

Many small offices are operating out of co-working spaces (in the model of WeWork), meaning that meeting room offices are often shared resources, offered on a "first come first serve" basis. That means that reserving a meeting room (successfully!) is an important skill. Obviously, for those of you that work in the offices of big corporations, reserving meeting rooms can be just as tough of a battle.

You may have learned the word 预定 (yùdìng) for "to reserve," or 预订 (yùdìng), meaning to "pre-purchase." In informal spoken Chinese, either word can be shortened to 定 (dìng) or 订 (dìng), and the distinction between the two is not always strict. The resultative complement 好 emphasizes that everything is all set and ready to go.

This strip doesn't have much of a "punchline"... this is kind of how we originally imagined Boring 办公室: the mundanity of office life IS the punchline!


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Boring Bangongshi - S02E10


Boring Bangongshi - S02E08