Boring Bangongshi - Let There Be Templates!

You may have noticed that our Boring 办公室 comics are a bit… templated. Yes, we admit it. But that doesn’t detract from the charm at all, or negate the usefulness of comics as reading practice in Chinese.

And just as this format is well-suited to reading activities, it’s also well-suited to writing activities. Yes, you (or your students) can use our templates to make their own comics. Be as crazy as you wanna be. Draw stuff in. Get a little violent, even… we won’t tell. All practice is helpful.

The Boring Bangongshi Templates PDF (on our Free Downloads page, here) has one page of three comic strips for each season. So you can print out one page (or multiple copies of one page) or all the pages… whatever suits your needs. Seasons 3 and 4 have more variation in the template, so take that into consideration before you print.

Finally, if you make something you’re proud of and would like to share, send it to us! Use our “info@” email address, and if we like what we see, we might even publish it on our blog!



