

在线语法课是今天暑假开始推出了一系列课程,以Grammar Wiki为支撑,编写切实符合外国人学习习惯和学习水平的习题;加之专业、认真的教师坐镇的优质课程,整体效果非常棒。呼呦呦,最近公司搬新地址,筛选书筛多了,小编说话都矫情了,哈哈哈。如果想知道为什么搬家情况,详看上一条消息因公司搬家,书籍免费送?是的!言归正传,其中之一的学生针对我们的语法课,给我们写了情真意切的反馈,具体反馈如下:

Paul Forbes


学生反馈完整内容:Before the AllSet Learning Online Grammar Lessons, I struggled for a long time to find a reliable solution to learning Chinese with online tutors.Previously, I had issues with tutors who were unreliable or not very good teachers, struggled to find topics to discuss, and always needed to help a new tutor figure out my level and what I know. All of those issues have been solved with the AllSet Learning Online Grammar Lessons.  

First of all, the teachers arefantasticand veryreliable.  I have never had a teacher be late or miss a class.The teachers quicklyadapted to my Chinese leveland have a great style of teaching.Because the lessons are sent to me ahead of each class, I have time to prepare for the lesson to get more out of the lesson, but also to free up time for more one-on-one conversations.To be clear, the lessons are not just about learning grammar.  The grammar points are there and you do learn them; however, the grammar points really just provide a framework for each lesson,with the lesson mainly being a fun and great way to improve speaking ability and listening comprehension.  

You could roll the dice with other online tutoring services (like I did) and maybe come across a good tutor after searching for awhile (like I didn't), butI would strongly recommend that you try out AllSet Learning's Online Grammar Lessons first. They willsave you so much timeand frustration and you will progress more rapidly that you would think possible and have fun while doing it.


1.经历了长时间寻找合适在线老师2.发现了AllSet Learning3.为其提供了专业的老师和合适的内容4.听、说能力大幅提高5.节省时间,少走弯路6.AllSet Learning很专业,学中文值得信赖


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