Digital Audio Pack: B1 Core Grammar


If you’re a fan of the Chinese Grammar Wiki, you know how useful it is for clearly explaining various grammar points and linking to other related grammar points. But perhaps one of its most useful features is the plentiful, practical example sentences with pinyin and English translation. This digital audio pack brings a selection of these sentences to you so that by listening to these Intermediate (B1) sentences, you can start to internalize the grammar patterns.


If you’re a fan of the Chinese Grammar Wiki, you know how useful it is for clearly explaining various grammar points and linking to other related grammar points. But perhaps one of its most useful features is the plentiful, practical example sentences with pinyin and English translation. This digital audio pack brings a selection of these sentences to you so that by listening to these Intermediate (B1) sentences, you can start to internalize the grammar patterns.

If you’re a fan of the Chinese Grammar Wiki, you know how useful it is for clearly explaining various grammar points and linking to other related grammar points. But perhaps one of its most useful features is the plentiful, practical example sentences with pinyin and English translation. This digital audio pack brings a selection of these sentences to you so that by listening to these Intermediate (B1) sentences, you can start to internalize the grammar patterns.

For intermediate (B1) learners of Chinese grammar, many grammar points are already familiar, but certain grammar points pose a persistent challenge to fluency. We have covered these in our Core B1 Grammar online course, and we have extracted the most useful example sentences from those same grammar points to create these audio resources.

What you get when you buy this product:

  • 5 MP3 audio files (roughly 10 minutes total) with professional studio-recorded, native speaker audio

  • Each sentence is read in both male and female voices, followed by an English translation from the Chinese Grammar Wiki

  • PDF file with all relevant grammar patterns at a glance, in simplified Chinese

  • A license which makes it legal and easy to use the product on any device you own (no restrictive DRM!)

This Digital Audio Pack contains PDFs and audio for the following grammar patterns:

  1. Comparing (huì), (néng), 可以 (kěyǐ): if you’re intermediate now, it’s time to get these totally straight!

  2. Result complements and potential complements: these can be frustrating until you get used to them.

  3. Separable Verbs (AKA “verb-object structures”), like 见面 (jiànmiàn) and 睡觉 (shuìjiào): How to use them, and which ones to watch out for (these trip up everybody in the beginning).

  4. Many kinds of ......(shì... de): There’s a good chance you don’t know them all, but their mastery will make you a much stronger Chinese speaker.

  5. Direction complement: A confusing structure to be sure, but also extremely useful, and super common.

Digital Audio Pack: A2 Core Grammar
Digital Audio Pack: A2 Core Grammar