Raising Children in China (Intermediate)


This course will prepare intermediate learners for the key topics relating to parenting and Chinese culture.

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This course will prepare intermediate learners for the key topics relating to parenting and Chinese culture.

This course will prepare intermediate learners for the key topics relating to parenting and Chinese culture.

What You’ll Get:

10 live, one-on-one online lessons, 60 minutes each, targeted at your level

  • One carefully selected topic with accompanying dialog for each lesson

  • Grammar points which match the material and suit the discussion

  • Vocabulary tracking based on what you actually cover with our teachers

  • Experienced, trained AllSet Learning teachers patiently guiding you and encouraging you to talk

Topics Covered in This Course

Focused largely on young children (ages 3-8), this 10-Lesson Discussion Course covers:

  1. Eating Habits: How do you deal with a picky eater? What is the Chinese way?

  2. Screen Time: No parent can escape this topic for long! How much can your child use the mobile device, and how do you stay consistent?

  3. Extracurricular Activities: You may be surprised by how young most Chinese kids start, and how many other lessons they do outside of school.

  4. Spending Money: Concepts of allowances and money spending start early.

  5. How Many Children: In post-”One Child Policy” China, this is a common issue discussed among parents.

  6. Lying: Every child will go through a period of exploring the effects of telling truths and falsehoods. How do you get through it?

  7. International Schools: Pressure to excel in schools is greater than ever, but these days it often means taking an international track rather than focusing on the gaokao.

  8. Childhood Pets: Does raising a pet in the house help cultivate responsibility, or is it just an unnecessary burden on parents?

  9. Comparing with Others: It’s an inescapable aspect of modern life, and comparing with other kids is a (sadly) major part of parenting in China.

  10. Where did I come from?: This innocent question can be hard to answer, and also has some fairly shocking stock answers in Chinese culture.


Your assignment for each lesson will be posted to the AllSet Learning Hub, our platform for managing our clients' studies. There you will see what you need to prepare in advance, as well as the exact material (one new topic with dialog in each lesson) your teacher will cover with you during each lesson.

In each 60-minute lesson, the following material will be covered by your teachers:

  • Vocabulary and Grammar Review (from your previous lessons)

  • New Topic with Dialog (using our flexible Adaptive 3-Tier System)

  • Sum-up and Assess (review what has been covered and determine if it still needs additional attention)


Every learner can't be at the exact same level, so we can't simply design a course for the "ideal" learner. Instead, we've designed a flexible 3-tier system which gives the lower-level learners more practice with the basic reading skills, and the higher-level learners more time practicing speaking.

  1. Dialog Content. We start with these realistic exchanges to provide social context and relevant vocabulary. These are not long, but they're a good place to start if the topic is not super familiar to you. When the topic is quite familiar, this should go quite quickly and smoothly.

  2. Vocabulary and Grammar Practice. If you understand what you've read, you may have a passive familiarity with the words and patterns in the chapter. Some of the vocabulary includes common but newly coined terms, however, so don't be surprised if you've never encountered it. These modules are designed to make sure you can actually use them to express your own ideas.

  3. Guided Discussion. Finally, you'll be expected to share your ideas and experiences related to the main topic. It's a great chance to share your views on parenting, and to learn the predominant view on the topic in China. Your teacher will encourage you to use the vocabulary and grammar covered today, and to correct you as needed.


All of AllSet Learning's teachers have been trained by John Pasden in person in Shanghai. They encourage communication, correct pronunciation, and hold our clients to a higher standard. They're also quite engaging to talk to!

To guarantee flexibility and schedule coverage as full as possible, each of our clients will have multiple teachers. Teachers coordinate and follow their clients' studies through the AllSet Learning Hub.


We offer flexible scheduling and a money-back guarantee. Check out the details on our policies here.

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