Trump and Hillary: Comparisons in Chinese
Everyone's talking about it. Here's some help doing that in Chinese!
The Chinese Grammar Wiki is now an ebook!
At the end of March, AllSet Learning officially released the "Elementary" (A1-A2) volume of an ebook series that reformats the Chinese Grammar Wiki content for portable ebook format. It is already available for Amazon Kindle, and will soon be available in the iBook store as well.
Introducing the Chinese Pronunciation Wiki
We originally launched the Chinese Grammar Wiki in 2012. We honestly didn't think it would be this long before we launched our next free resource, but it turns out fleshing out the Chinese Grammar Wiki was a ton of work (who would have guessed, right?).
2014 Fall Intern: Jack
Jack Du (杜佳东) is from Shaanxi, China, and was one of our first NYU Shanghai interns, and part of a small but elite group of AllSet Learning IT interns.
The Benefits of Versioning
Learn how versioning makes you a happier customer of the AllSet Learning Online Store!
How to Use Pronunciation Packs
With the release of the AllSet Learning Online Store, we are now offering Pronunciation Packs to help elementary and intermediate learners of Chinese improve their pronunciation in critical areas.
Adventures in Chinese Haggling
Our summer intern Zach had zero Chinese when he started. That hasn't stopped him from communicating! Here's how he did with just “Dūo shăo qían?” (how much?) and “TaÌ guÌ le!” (too expensive!).
AllSet Pinyin 2.0
AllSet Learning Pinyin 2.0 has been released, and is now available as a universal app with retina graphics which works on both the iPhone (tall and short) as well as the iPad. We've actually been working on this app for quite a while. Why did it take so long?
Story Selection for Mandarin Companion
The AllSet Learning team handled the story writing for the hot new series of Chinese graded readers, Mandarin Companion.
Chinese Picture Book Reader 1.3
The Chinese Picture Book Reader version 1.3 has finally hit the app store! This version addresses what we've been hearing the most: the app needs more content.
Word Boxes on the Chinese Grammar Wiki
In our endless endeavor to make the Chinese Grammar Wiki useful and accessible, we’ve added yet another feature: word boxes. Word boxes?
Lots of New Content Coming to the Chinese Picture Book Reader
The AllSet Learning team has been hard at work for some time now on the next round of new content for the Chinese Picture Book Reader iPad app.
Keywords on the Chinese Grammar Wiki
When studying Chinese, it’s always good to have a few keywords that can unlock a host of grammar structures. Lucky for you, we have them, on our new Keywords page on the Chinese Grammar Wiki!
Chinese Picture Book Reader 1.2 Released
After a long, not-so-fun update, the Picture Book Reader is back on track!
AllSet Learning Pinyin 1.7.3
Since version 1.7, the AllSet Learning Pinyin iPad app has had a few additional stability tweaks which have already gone live on the App Store.
AllSet Learning Pinyin 1.7 Released
The AllSet Learning Pinyin iPad app has just recently gotten a significant upgrade (to v1.7) and been released on the App Store.
The Chinese Grammar Wiki is 1 Year Old
It's already been over a year since the Chinese Grammar Wiki officially launched on January 22, 2012. Over the past year our whole team has been had at work iteratively improving the Chinese Grammar Wiki.
Chinese Picture Book Reader Released
AllSet Learning has just released its second iPad app, Chinese Picture Book Reader.
AllSet Learning Pinyin 1.6 Released
AllSet Learning Pinyin 1.6, the first major update since the app's public release, is now in the Apple app store. The app is still the best pinyin chart out there for studying Chinese, but now as an option for pinyin audio, all four tones can be played in a row, instead of just one at a time.