The Best Way to Organize Flashcards in Pleco
When it comes to organizing Pleco flaschards, the app is powerful enough to allow for all kinds of categorization and sub-categorization, but that doesn’t mean that the average learner NEEDS to spend a ton of time on organizing flashcards. Keep it minimal!
Getting Started with Pleco Flashcards
Many users find the “New Test” screen to be somewhat confusing and overwhelming. Pleco is working on a more user-friendly version. In the meantime, the good news is that you really only need to pay attention to 2-3 settings to get started.
WeChat Dialogs for Chinese New Year!
These are some of the simpler and more common Chinese New Year wishes. If you are a Chinese language learner, these words and phrases above are safe to use. Happy Year of the Tiger!
Pitfalls of Studying Similar Words
It is essential to know when and how to compare similar words, grammar points, characters, and sounds. We cover all of these cases in this blog post.
2021 Summer Intern: Tom
Tom Connelly interned remotely at AllSet Learning in the summer of 2021, and awesome deeds were accomplished!
Announcing the ARC (Advanced Readings in Chinese) Newsletter
AllSet Learning has a new Substack newsletter, specifically aimed at advanced learners looking for short, interesting pieces to read.
Our Upper Intermediate Grammar Wiki Print Book has Landed!
The Upper Intermediate (B2) Chinese Grammar Wiki BOOK is now available in print form. Learn a bit more about what’s included here (and what’s not).
Boring Bangongshi - Let There Be Templates!
Reading comics is good for your Chinese. But so is MAKING your OWN comics! Here are some templates to get you going.
Christmas Comics for 2020
Merry Christmas from AllSet Learning! if you’re paying attention, you will have noticed that the crew in Boring Bangongshi has been celebrating Christmas, Chinese office-style.
The Long Road to Reading Native Materials in Mandarin Chinese
It’s no easy task to go from the intermediate level to a level where you can read native-level materials in Chinese. Here’s an outline of the process you’ll want to take, and how it can go wrong.
HSK-Mod is here!
If you want to become fluent in Chinese, relying entirely on the HSK is not going to get you satisfying results. But we’ve got the solution for you: our new HSK-Mod course.
Boring 办公室 Season 03 is coming!
Season 03 is coming… In the meantime, have you read all of Season 01 and Season 02? Links here!
Catching up with Former Intern Jenna
Jenna interned with AllSet Learning in 2016, but her Chinese learning didn’t stop there. Find out how she furthered her studies in Taiwan.
Discussing Black Lives Matter in Chinese
Black Lives Matter. Combat racism. Yes, this may even involve doing so in Chinese. These words will help you do that.
How to Evaluate a Chinese Tutor: Best Practices
Finding the right tutor can definitely get you the best bang for your buck when learning Chinese. You’ll save money over going through a traditional school, and can have an amazing, personalized accelerated learning experience. But how can you find such a Chinese tutor?
Boring Bangongshi - S01E04
Many international-facing companies in China use websites like Google, Facebook, and Twitter for their everyday work, and yet these communications are inconveniently “inaccessible” in China in 2020….