The Surest Route


There's almost a tone of incredulity in this article on Kirsten Winkler's blog: 52% of Online Language Learners Consider Classic Offline Learning as More Efficient.Frankly, we're not surprised at all by the data represented by Busuu. We believe people try to learn languages online primarily for reasons of convenience, not because they believe it's the best (or most efficient) way. We believe that most people know that regular face-to-face meetings with a teacher or other native speakers -- preferably one-on-one -- is the surest route to significant progress. To learn a skill, you must practice that skill, under conditions that most resemble the final desired outcome. But for reasons of cost or geography, the internet is often the best available option.AllSet Learning is actively pursuing better ways of using technology to faciliate language acquisition and make the process more efficient, but the supremacy of face-to-face interactions in the language learning process is at the heart of our philosophy.Photo by ConstantineD.


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