Boring 办公室

Boring Bangongshi Intro.jpg

Boring 办公室 (Bàngōngshì) offers you a “fly on the wall” type exposure to your typical Chinese office. You wouldn’t expect a day in an office to be non-stop laughs, and you shouldn’t expect that here either!

What you will get is bite-sized chunks of Chinese learning with lots of useful vocab. Even better, all 5 seasons of Boring 办公室 (Bàngōngshì) are now available on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.

Here are some examples to give you an idea about what it’s all about…


(Click on the comic strip above for a text transcript, grammar point links, and commentary.)


(Click on the comic strip above for a text transcript, grammar point links, and commentary.)


(Click on the comic strip above for a text transcript, grammar point links, and commentary.)


We used to post new Boring 办公室 comics to our news blog weekly. Each strip has culture, vocabulary, and grammar notes that are only on the individual comic strip’s page on our website. There is also an archive page.

As always, if you’re learning Chinese and need business language, our online courses are a great option!