Chinese Picture Book Reader 1.3
The Chinese Picture Book Reader version 1.3 has finally hit the app store! This version addresses what we've been hearing the most: the app needs more content. So it's got it, both free and paid. Here's what's new in this version of the app:
The app is now both iOS6 and iOS7 compatible, and entirely RETINA (iPad 3+), and all new books support retina.
The big change is lots of NEW BOOKS, both free and paid. Fee content has been updated to a new, retina style.
We've added a nifty new parallax transition effect to the textbox as you swipe between pages.
The app home has been refreshed a bit and made more consistent with the rest of the app.
New books include:
Life in the Countryside, a narrated photo set featuring the work of China-based photographer Sean Hanratty
College Kid Interview #4:"What Chinese city do you like most?"
College Kid Interview #5:"Who is your hero?"
College Kid Interview #6:"In the past 10 years, what do you think has been the biggest change in China?"
College Kid Interview #7:"What do you think is the best way to pursue someone you like?"
College Kid Interview #8:"If you want to live pretty well in Shanghai, how much do you think your salary should be?"
If you enjoyed any of the "college kid interview" series content before, you'll definitely appreciate this update. There are now more voices, photos, and real handwriting, all in a new high-res design.We hope you like the updates. More to come!Get Chinese Picture Book Reader for iPad